The University of Kisubi animated the Unisavitate World Prayer Day on 6th June 2024. In attendance were Faculty members of University of Kisubi and colleague from Service learning member Institutions…
UniK SL cllub in partnership with the MR and MRS. UniK foundation Carried out a Bulungi Bwansi activity on the National labor day 1stof May 2024 aimed at maintaining the…
The Service Leaning Club in Partnership with Mr and Miss University of Kisubi Foundation, visited Good Samaritain Sisters Nalukolongo Bakateyamba and donated essential and Basic items for elderly and need…
Background The University of Kisubi (UniK) was admitted to the global consortium for Service Learning (SL) under the auspices of UNISERVITATE in December 2020. UNISERVITATE is an umbrella organisation that…